Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Physical Presence - Joy to the World

Somebody really smart probably already made the correlation about a thousand times, but then again I'm a pitiful and ignorant sinner, so it took me 41 years. 

The boys served midnight Mass.  I sat there and contemplated the Gift of God's only begotten Son.  The baby, the manger, the reality, the humanity of the Holy Infant, come to us in lowly form, yet so sweet, so beautiful, so perfect, so innocent.

Transubstantiation.  The unbloody sacrifice (gift) of the life of God's only begotten Son. In the Eucharist, He comes to us - real, present, human, physical, in lowly form, yet so sweet, so beautiful, so perfect. so innocent. 

The gift of Christmas time is with us every day in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  Golgotha is ever present. The manger is, too. 

I know that I cannot survive without Holy Communion.  I know people who don't believe, and my heart aches for them, because they have no physical connection to the only Hope we have. The world needed Him, physical and present and amongst us two thousand years ago.  Why would we not need the same now? So of course He is with us now, just as He was then.  

My prayer is that all people ever seek Him, as they watch for Him in Advent. I also hope they find Him, in their hearts, yes, but also in the Blessed Sacrament, where He truly is.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking Words of wisdom, Carolyn...I agree completely with you!
